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PDFNJ Ex. Director Angelo M. Valente Interviewed on 1450 WCTC with Bert Baron

March 19, 2015

On Wednesday, March 19th, PDFNJ Executive Director, Angelo M. Valente, appeared 1450 WCTC with Bert Baron from 7am - 8am. Valente and Baron discussed the upcoming New Jersey Shouts Down Drugs Substance Abuse Prevention Concert on April 17th at the New Jersey Performing Arts Center in Newark. Finalists from all over New Jersey will gather to perform their original substance abuse prevention influenced music. The top 3 winners from the night will be awarded performance contracts with opportunities to perform at events across the state.


The voting is now open at shoutdowndrugs.com  where visitors can listen to each of the county finalists and select their favorites. Free tickets are also currently available for anyone to attend the concert.

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