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Musician Profile

Kami Cruz

Cape May County

Song Title
Fight the Addiction

Music Lyrics


Fight the Addiction

Do you get it, Are you aware of

The danger all around

It’s not a secret, but still a problem

And we must stop it somehow

Some people want to live their dreams

Some take them boost their abilities

But fall prey to its deadly trance

And then they wind up paying the price

You lose respect from friends and family

Come on, think about it

Say no to drugs, fight the addiction

Well it’s not all bad some can be medicine

But some will take it too far

They say life’s better when you’re on chemicals

They couldn’t be more wrong

You take a sip of beer

And once you start you cannot stop

And that is just the start

Some are gutsy enough to get behind the wheel

You lose respect from friends and family

Come on, think about it

Say no to drugs, fight the addiction

You lose respect from friends and family

Come on, think about it

Say no to drugs, fight the addiction

Just say no

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Kami has been signing and performing since the third grade.  Her hobbies include singing, acting, reading and writing.  Her hope is to be a famous musician one day to support her family and to just be recognized.

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